Ku Klux Klan

Saskatchewan Klan

Cross Burning in Regina, Sask.
About 70 years ago the Ku Klux Klan was Saskatchewan's largest organization besides the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool.  Saskatchewan had over 10,000 Klan members in the late 1920's.  The KKK targeted the Catholics, Jewish, French, Chinese, Metis and African Americans.  Klan members believed in white supremacy, that whites are better than any other race.  In Saskatchewan it was mainly catholics and first nations because African Americans and the Chinese weren't established here at the time.  The Klan was so big back then that they put ads in newspapers to recruit more klansmen.  

The Conservatives were the opposition in Saskatchewan at the time.  They had members that were part of the Klan.  James Gardiner, Premier of Saskatchewan at the time, was against the KKK and fought back.  After the Conservatives no longer had any power, the Klan started to die out.

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Klan

Moose Jaw is home to the first and  largest Ku Klux Klan meeting ever held in Canada.  On June 7, 1927, about 7,000 Klansmen arrived in Moose Jaw for the Konklave.  Pat Emory was one of the leaders at the time, and had enrolled 2,000 members in Moose Jaw.  Moose Jaw' s Ku Klux Klan  had yearly parades to spread the message of the Klan.  They had hatred signs about  first nations and catholics, but not  African Americans because there weren't many in Saskatchewan at the time.

Cross Burning in Spring Valley, Saskatchewan

In the early 1930's Spring Valley had a Catholic Church with a big cross.  The Ku Klux Klan had established itself around there and burned down the cross.

Klan in Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan

The Ku Klux Klan established itself near Verwood, Saskatchewan and Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan in the late 1920's.   Willow Bunch had such a big Catholic community that the Klan tried to stop it.  They were against Catholics and wanted to end the church.